Easily check keyword rank and backlinks of websites

How to use this keyword rank tool

This free tool can be used in 3 modes:

Only entering keywords

It will show you the top 100 results for the keywords.

Entering keywords and domain

It will show you the top 100 results for the keywords and highlight the domain, making it quick and easy to find a domain's ranking.

Entering keywords, domain and loading backlinks

This is the feature that sets this tool apart from the many other keyword position checkers.

It will not only show the top 100 results and highlight the domain, it will also crawl each individual page, find any backlinks to the domain and even display if they are follow or nofollow.

Wonder why a domain is ranking so well for particular keywords? Simply run the search on their domain and find all their best, most relevant backlinks according to Google for these keywords.

Let me quickly explain why this is so powerful: Google gives us a list of 100 pages that it thinks are the best, most relevant results for the given keywords, meaning that scoring a backlink from the first result is the best possible backlink that you can obtain for these keywords. The second result is the second best backlink obtainable, and so on.

While getting backlinks from those top pages would be ideal, I will argue that a backlink from any of the top 100 search result for your target keywords is incredibly powerful. There are no custom metrics at play, it's Google's algorithm straight up telling us which pages are the best to target.

All you need to do is identify those backlinks to take action.